Hallo everybody! I come back gladly to take part to Heather's blog hop, even if I can show you only few things for this week. In addiction, I joined MyLucky intiative trough FB, to improve our creative blogs, too often neglected due to everyday tasks and to FB itself, a fast and direct way to communicate, but not so intimate and personal.
E ora... cos'è successo questa settimana nella mia cucina!
And now... What happened in my kichen during this week!
Red Onions from Tropea, we love them!!! - Cipolle rosse di Tropea, le adoriamo!!!
Cicken and sausages cooking to go in our paella - Pollo e salsiccia che cuociono per finire nella paella
Apple cake with my new IKEA horse shaped mould - Torta di mele a forma di cavallo, stampo IKEA
My homemade herbal tea with elderflower, mint and yarrow: for winter flu and cough - la mia tisana fatta in casa con sambuco, menta e achillea: per il raffreddore e la tosse invernali
In the kitchen garden, blueberries, survived from last week hot weather - Nel giardino della cucina, mirtilli, sopravvissuti al gran caldo della scorsa settimana
New arrivals in my kitchen: a teapot board (I'm a teapothaolic ^_^) - Nuovi arrivi nella mia cucina: una lavagnetta teiera (sono una teieromane ^_^)
And new shelves, already full of nice stuff - E nuove mensole, già piene di belle cosine
Spero che il nostro semplice stile di vita vi piaccia! Tornate a trovarmi e buona estate, è dietro l'angolo!!!
I hope you will enjoy our simple way of life!! Stay tuned and happy summer, it's just around the corner!!
7 commenti:
I love your horse shaped apple cake. And red onions are my favorite too.
Ooooh, blueberries! those are on my wish list with things I want in my garden! Love the additions to your kitchen!
Your blueberries are doing so well!
Oh I have one of those Ikea horse baking tins but haven't used it yet. I must have a go it looks fun. Wow your blueberries look amazing. I can't get any fruit to grow on mine at all. Your cold/flu tea concoction sounds fascinating. I'm not really familiar with using yarrow. I'm going to do some research now. Thanks for letting look into your lovely kitchen.
Quante cose buone!
Wow quante cose buone ed interessanti! Arrivo dall'iniziativa di Barbara e ti seguo con piacere. Natasha
hi valeria,
your blueberries looking good.
i love your horse shaped apple cake.
thanks for the inspiration!!!
how do you make the tea?
ciao regina
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